Day 9: Saturday 28th March 2020

Saturday 28th March 2020 started with something else thats changed.

The girls, who usually attend dance classes on a Saturday morning, found themselves again in front of a ‘Zoom’ call (this was to be a theme today) doing the classes online with their teacher Pamela, and all their little buddies. Kudos to Pamela and her team for this, as I could see it wasn’t the easiest thing to manage online, but the kids and all of them did well to adapt. We’re all adapting eh?

I then had some fun with the girls, having some camera lessons with the X100V, and an old Polaroid Land Camera which I’ve not shot with for a while. In the days of digital photography, there is still nothing like a Polaroid photograph. Kids also have the same sense of wonder when it comes out and develops in front of them, with it’s little imperfections and look and feel. These things are AMAZING. Eilidh absolutely loves photography and it makes me very happy when she asks to do more of it. We’ve also been shooting with an old Olympus Trip 35, with some Tri-X Mono film. We shall see how that goes!

Another classic- Lego. I loved Lego as a kid and the new stuff is so good, but so expensive. We used the lego figures of Spidey and Luke Skywalker for some camera practice for Eilidh.

Saturday means one thing in the McMillan house. ‘Slice Saturday’.

Slice Rolls with eggs and potato scones. Yum.

The girls then played on their bikes in the garden, and soon it was time for dinner, and then movie night which was ‘The Secret Life of Pets 2’ which I thought was brilliant. Makes me want another dog, but thats for another discussion. Niamh also treated us to a guitar solo in the room, she’s honestly the funniest kid ever.

We were originally supposed to be going to my cousin Emma’s engagement party before this shitshow happened. Her and Sean haven’t seen each other in person since lockdown and the party of course had to be cancelled. So, I had an idea and spoke to Emma’s sis and mum, and between Lindsay, Karen and myself, we managed to organise a surprise virtual engagement party via the ‘Zoom’ app again. What a hoot, about 50 of us all on the call. Safe to say Emma was a ‘little’ surprised.

HUGE CONGRATS TO EMMA AND SEAN. We love you both so much and cant wait for the party proper.

Kids to bed, and guess what? More ‘Zoom’ and online fun.

First up we tuned into my pal who is a DJ, Stuart MacLennan- he was on as Elvis McPresley playing his tunes. Had a request for Bros ‘When Will I be Famous’ played, and listened to a few more. Check Stu out if you are looking for a DJ. Absolute top lad!!

The evening then had more ‘Zoom’ fun with our friends, and we basically all had a great laugh chatting and having a few beers together, albeit virtually. Really missing everyone, but at least we have this.

2.45am finish or thereabouts, which was nuts given we started at 9.30pm or close to it. What a hoot!

Anyway- almost a week in lockdown. Although I’m still at work, and seeing my work colleagues, it’s been hard for the kids and everyone else being on lockdown.

Some days are ok, and although I pride myself on being a very positive person, I’ve been struggling a lot with all of this, and have days where I’m ok, and other days where I feel really shit. Or a mix of both on the same day.

Just need to get on with it.

Keep adapting folks. We will be on the other side of this shite soon.

Stay safe, say hello in the comments and let me know how you are- would help I think.


PS, geek info: Photos with Fujifilm X100V.

Murray McMillan

Happy Dad, Husband, Firefighter, Photographer. 

Not always in that order.

Day 10; Sunday 29th March 2020


Day 8:Friday March 27th 2020