Days whatever to whatever
So, again I fell away from this blogging thing, amongst being at home with the kids, being at work, and just general life during all of this shitshow of 2020.
I still took lots of photographs, and as the days went on I wondered what I’d do with this, seeing as I said I would try and blog it every day. It’s just not possible, at least for me anyway, to do this without it getting repetitive in terms of photography, and in general.
I’ve decided to do it maybe once a week, or when something significant happens. I’ve always got one of the cameras with me, so I’ll still be snapping away so the kids have something to look back on for this, as I said at the start.
Today seemed appropriate to mark- Thursday April 16th, and the not so surprising announcement that the UK lockdown would be extended for at least another 3 weeks.
So, on we go.
Kids have been absolutely brilliant through all of this so far, and although it’s tiring, I’ve really enjoyed the extra time with them, doing home schooling, playing, listening to music, watching movies, playing Xbox, camera lessons, easter, etc.
I hope to look back on it fondly some day. Eilidh and Niamh have become so close as well throughout all of this. They are lucky to have each other (I’ll remind them of this in later years!)
We’ve all missed our family and friends SO much though. But, we’re lucky and I’ll never forget that.
This one is photo heavy- I have no idea what day is what so you can see for yourself what we have been up to.
I just hope everyone is safe. Stay home where you can. See you on the next blog.
Geek stuff- all images shot with the Fuji X100V, and some with the GFX50R and a variety of lenses.

Happy Dad, Husband, Firefighter, Photographer.
Not always in that order.